End of Shift Sales not transferred

End of Shift Sales not transferred

The final step of the End of Shift process is to transfer the sales. This closes off the shift so these sales are not included in future End of Shift reports.

If the End of Shift is closed before the final step, the following message will appear:
"The End Of Shift Sales were not transferred and must be transferred as soon as possible!"

If you haven't finished trading for the day/shift yet then this message can be ignored.
If you have finished, then you need to run the End of Shift again through to the last step. Make sure you click Yes to transfer the End of Shift Sales.

Previous Sales shows yesterdays sales

This can happen if the End of Shift Sales are not transferred during End of Shift.
The sales will be included on the next End of Shift. The End of Shift cannot be run a selected day only

Run the End of Shift as normal. Make sure you click through to the last page and click Yes to transfer End of Shift Sales.
If there are any errors during this process, note the error and contact Tower Support

Reporting on Sales by Day

The End of Shift Reports will include all sales since the last time the End of Shift Sales were transferred.
You can use the Sales Transaction Log and Detailed Takings Report to generate reports with sales only from a selected date.

Sales Transaction Log - Similar to Takings Reconciliation

  1. From the Main Screen of Retailer, click Reports -> Sales Reports -> Sales Transaction Log
  2. Set Start Date and End Date to be the date you wish to report on.
  3. Under Summary Details, select Summarise Sales
  4. Under Discount Details, select Show All Sales
  5. Under Options, set Select Terminals to ALL TERMINALS and Select Staff to ALL STAFF. Untick the tickboxes under Options
  6. Under Payment Type Settings, select Show All Payment Types
  7. Under Select Transaction Types to Include, tick all Transaction Types
  8. Click Preview
  9. Click the last page arrow  
  10. The last page shows Totals per Transaction Type (Normal Sales, Invoice Sales, Customer Payments) and a breakdown per Payment Type
    (Cash, Eftpos, Direct Deposit)

Detailed Takings Report - Similar to Daily Sales Summary

  1. From the Main Screen of Retailer, click Reports -> Sales Reports -> Takings Reports -> Detailed Takings Report
  2. Set Start Date and End Date to be the date you wish to report on.
  3. Untick Show Individual Stock Item Sales
  4. If you wish to breakdown sales by Category, tick Show Department Categories
  5. Click Preview
  6. The Report shows sales totals by department

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