There are 2 methods of applying surcharges - you can either set a surcharge in Retailer, or you can set a surcharge on your EFTPOS machine. The latter option is new to Retailer 3.2.4, and has the advantage of letting you set different surcharges for different card types - Amex, Credit, Savings etc.
Setting Up Surcharges
- From the main screen of Retailer, click Setup -> General.
- Click on the Pay Types tab.
- Select the payment type that you want the surcharge to apply to.
- Click on the Pay Type Surcharges button.
- Tick I want a surcharge added to all transactions paid using this Payment Type.
- Tick Exclude Cash Out / Overpayment amounts when calculating surcharge if you want to ignore any amounts over the sale total to calculate surcharges.
- Choose between applying the surcharge with Retailer or receiving the surcharge amount through your EFTPOS terminal by following the steps below:
Only One Surcharge Method can be used at a time. Depending on the Eftpos Integration, the Eftpos Surcharge Type setting may change to Eftpos Calculated Surcharge or the Eftpos Calculated Surcharge may not be applied
A: Applying Surcharges with Retailer
- In Surcharge Type, select Percentage of the Sale or Flat Fee for the surcharge.
- In Surcharge Amount $, enter the amount or percentage that you want to charge .
- In Minimum Sale Amount $, type in the amount where the surcharge will begin to take effect.
- In Maximum Sale Amount $, type in the amount where the surcharge will stop being charged for.
- Click Save.
B: Applying Surcharges with EFTPOS terminal
- In Surcharge Type, select Eftpos Calculated Surcharge.
- Click Save.
You will then need to enable the surcharge on your EFTPOS machine. Once set up, when you process an EFTPOS sale the total in Retailer will update to include the surcharge after the customer has paid. The surcharge will be included on their receipt.
Help setting up surcharges on EFTPOS machines is beyond the scope of Tower Support. You will need to contact your bank or EFTPOS provider for assistance.
If you are also using Accounting Link to either MYOB or Xero and Applying Surcharges with your EFTPOS terminal; contact your provider and check that your surcharges are settling with your daily EFTPOS settlements to ensure reconciliation can occur daily successfully.
Processing an EFTPOS Sale
- After items have been scanned in the Point of Sale screen, press Sub Total.
- Select the payment type that the customer is paying with.
- The surcharge amount will be displayed in the Surcharge $ column and automatically applied.
Instead of using Sub Total, you can setup a Quick Tender EFTPOS button. Follow the link below for a guide to creating buttons on your POS screen.
If you do not use integrated EFTPOS, ensure you process the payment on your separate EFTPOS terminal with the surcharge included, as shown in the red Total (inc. Surcharge) amount.
There are a few sales reports that can be used to look up the amount of EFTPOS surcharges done in a time period. The surcharges are recorded against a Stock Department called POS Payment Surcharges so the following reports would be some of the ones that can be run to look at that department:
Detailed Takings Report - for more information on the report, click HERE.
Monthly Sales Comparison - for more information on the report, click HERE. Ranked Sales Report - for more information on the report, click HERE.