This is for Newsagencies Only

The Australian Financial Review

The Christmas Bumper Issue is on sale from Friday, 22/12/2023 to Wednesday, 27/12/2023.

The New Year Bumper Issue is on sale from Thursday, 28/12/2023 to Monday, 01/01/2024.

The Australia Day Bumper Issue is on sale from Thursday, 25/01/2024 to Sunday, 28/01/2024.

On the top menu bar of Retailer, click on Setup -> Newsagency -> Bumper Editions.
If the tick-box doesn't work, update Retailer to the latest version Installing Retailer Updates

  1. Click on Add.
  2. In the Stock Item and Bumper Edition Period section:
    • In Stock Item, type in the PLU of the Financial Review. This is usually FR or FIN.
    • In Start Date, select or type in See dates above.
    • In End Date, select or type in See dates above.
  3. In the Run List Options section:
    • Select Hide customers on Run List who have already received the title in the Bumper Edition period.
  4. In the Charging Options section:
    • In Price to Charge, type in the price of the paper.
    • Tick the Only charge customers once for receiving the Bumper Edition tickbox.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Repeat the above steps for New Year Dates.


For any other newspapers that are not getting delivered:

  1. From the main screen of Retailer, click on Stock Maintenance -> Receipt of Stock -> Non Arrivals.
  2. Click on Add Non-Arrival.
  3. In Stock Item, type in the PLU of the Paper
  4. Select the Date
  5. Click on Save Non Arrival.
  6. If the non-arrival has been added correctly, the details should appear in the grid above.