Viewing the Reserved Stock List for a Stock Item

Viewing the Reserved Stock List for a Stock Item

Reserving Stock in only available in Retailer versions 3.3 or later.  

View List of Reserved Stock

You can view a list of reserved stock from the General Stock Listing or Supplier Stock Listing Reports.
  1. Open the stock listing report, by clicking on Reports --> Stock Reports --> Stock Listing Report --> General Stock Listing Report
  2. Choose your desired options in terms of what data you want to see.
  3. Ensure that Show Only Items with Reserved Stock is ticked. 
  4. You will then get list of item matching your criteria you selected and where stock is reserved.   

View Reserved Stock List from the Stock Screen

Stock items can be reserved when creating a Proforma Invoice in Quote and Invoice Management.  
  1. Open the Stock Screen
  2. Find the stock item you want to view the reserved proforma list on. 
  3. Once the stock item is open, you will see, if the item has reserved items, you will see the total quantity of reserved Items.
  4. To see a list of the Proformas that contain this stock item reserved click on the ellipsis button (3 dots button) next to the reserved quantity.
  5. A list of the Profromas will then be shown along with the quantities reserved.  So go directly to that proforma simply double click on a line and that Proforma will open in the Quote and Invoice management screen

View Reserved Stock List from ALT+T

  1. From Any Screen Press ALT T
  2. Enter the barcode or press enter and search for an item which has stock reserved.
  3. In the ALT+T screen click on Reserved Stock List
  4. A list of the Profromas will then be shown along with the quantities reserved.  So go directly to that proforma simply double click on a line and that Proforma will open in the Quote and Invoice management screen

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