Supplier Stock Listing

Supplier Stock Listing

The Supplier Stock Listing Report lists selected stock items by department, category and supplier as of when the report is run. It is most commonly used for the value of the stock in the store, however it can also be used in other ways like listing stock with a negative stock on hand.

Generating the Report

  1. On the top menu bar of Retailer, click on  Reports  >  Stock Reports  >  Stock Listing Reports > General Stock Listing
  2. Select Quantity On Hand Level
    • All Stock Items  - Will show stock regardless of quantity on hand
    • Greater than 0  - Only show stock with quantity on hand greater than 0 
    • Less or equal to 0  - Only show stock with quantity on hand less than 0 or equal to 0
    • Less than 0  - Only show stock with quantity on hand less than 0
  3. Stock Options -Suppliers Tab:
    • Select All   - Shows stock from all suppliers
    • Selected  -  Tick the suppliers you want included in the report.
  4. Stock Options - Departments Tab:
    • Select All   - Shows stock from all departments/categories.
    • Selected  -  Tick the departments you want included in the report. By clicking the arrow next to a department, you can expand its categories and further narrow down the included stock by category.
    • Include stock not in a Category - Tick this box to include stock from the selected departments that has not been assigned a category
  5. Details to Display - this changes whether the PLU or Supplier stock code is shown
    • Stock item's PLU
    • Supplier Stock Code
  6. Order item by - this option is only available if Supplier Stock code is chosen in the option above
    • Alphabetical order
    • Supplier Stock Code
  7. Locale Options - Report must set to landscape orientation to use these options
    • Show Locales - Ticking this will display the store locales of stock on the report
    • All Locales - Tick to include all stock regardless of locale on report.
    • Selected Locale - Choose a locale to only include stock from that locale.
  8. Other Options
    • Only Show Items With A PLU -  This will only show on the report, items with a PLU, PLU can be added in the Stock screen.
    • Only Items that are Active -  This will hide inactive stock items. This is set in the stock screen tick option  Make Item  Inactive.
    • Show Banding on Report -  This will add coloured lines to the report to make it easier to read. The colour of these lines can be set in  Setup  >  System  >  General 
    • Price List Only -  This will change the report to only show the description, barcode and retail price
    • Show Qty Pending Order -  This shows if items on the report are on a pending supplier order.
    • Show Qty Send Order -  This shows if items on the report are on a sent supplier order.
    • Show Webstore items only - Will only include items that are ticked as webstore items.
    • Show Totals Only -  This only shows the department and category totals rather then each stock item individually
    • Exclude Agency -  This hides stock from departments that are set to Agency. This is set in Stock > Suppliers and Departments
    • Show Serial numbers -  If your stock has serial numbers if will show them.
    • Show Tags - Includes the tags for each stock item that has them.
    • Only Show items where Sell is below Cost -  This only shows items where the Retail price is lower than the cost price
  9. Stock Tags - Select a tag from the drop down box and click the  +  symbol to add a tag. The report will only include stock that has one of the selected tags. To search for a specific tag, hit the  ...  symbol to bring up the tag searcher. You can remove a tag by hovering over it and then clicking the  x  symbol. If you do not select any tags, all stock will be included.
  10. Page Orientations - Choose the orientation of the report
    • Portrait
    • Landscape

Click  Preview  or  Print .

Reading the Report

  1. Stock Description - The name of the stock item or name of department/category
  2. Barcode - Barcode of the stock item
  3. PLU or Supplier Stock Code - This will depend on the option chosen when running the report
  4. Qty On Hand - The current quantity on hand of the stock item
  5. Total Input Credit - The total GST on the cost price of the item
  6. Cost Inc. - Cost price per item including GST
  7. Total GST - Total GST on the Retail price
  8. Sell per Item - Sell/Retail price per item
  9. Total Cost - Total cost of the item including GST
  10. Total Retail - Total retail of the item including GST
  11. GST - In this column if there GST next to the item it means there is GST on the item

At the end of each category, department and supplier it will show a total as well as an overall total at the end.

Exporting the Report

In Retailer 3.2, there is now a tickbox in the Report Options screen, Perform Export to CSV after Print Preview. Tick this box then click Preview. After closing the Report Preview, you will be prompted to save a CSV file of the report.

You can export the report to an Excel spreadsheet by using the Preview button and following the below steps:
  1. Excel spreadsheet - Click on the Print button at the top left. Tick 'Print to File' and select 'Xlsx Data File'. Click on the three dots button [...] to choose your save destination. Click OK to save the file.

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