There are two ways of doing Valuations within the Retailer software.

  1. For items which are already in Retailer – i.e. items that you sell.
  2. For items that are not in Retailer – i.e. that you do not sell.

This article describes how to process a valuation certificate for items that ARE NOT in Retailer.

Click HERE for the article which explains the process for items that ARE in Retailer

To begin, click on Stock Maintenance at the top of the Retailer main screen, and then click on Valuations.


The setup determines the default information on certificates, and only needs to be done once.

  1. Click on the Setup
  2. To create a new Valuation Type, click on the + (plus)
  3. Enter the required name – e.g. Ring Valuation.
  4. In the Valuation Charge, type in the price that you require the customer to pay.
  5. Tick Print Notes if you want any notes that were entered to be visible on the Valuation Certificate.
  6. Type in the default wording for the following boxes. These boxes are where you can describe what the item is and any specific information that relates to the item’s valuation.
    a. Default Purpose for Valuation
    b. Default Valuation Description
    c. Default Valuation Statement (to appear on Valuation Certificate before Items Value)
    d. Default Valuation Statement (to appear on Valuation Certificate after Items Value)
    NOTE: Whatever you enter in here will automatically display for all items that use this valuation type.  They can be changed for an individual item within the Item Details tab.
  7. For No. of days before expected pickup, enter in the number of days that it normally takes to process a Valuation. Leave it blank if you do not wish to have an expected pickup date.
  8. The same goes for the Default Time for Expected Pickup.
  9. Click on Save once all the above areas have been entered.
  10. Click Close to return to the Valuation screen.

Status of the Valuation

There are four statuses to track how the Valuation is going. They are listed below.

  1. Outstanding – The first stage and what will be listed for a new Valuation which has just been created
  2. Completed – This will be set when the Complete button is pressed and Yes has been answered to the confirmation question. This would be done once the Valuation has been completed.
  3. Finalise – This is set when full payment has been made. When you click on the Finalise button and answer Yes to the confirmation message, you will be taken to the Point of Sale screen to process the payment. This is processed the same way as any other payment or sale.
  4. Collected – This is set when the Collect button is pressed.
    NOTE: You can only click on the Collect button once all payments have been made. You would do this when the customer has collected their item and certificate.

You can easily see the Valuation status by looking at the top right-hand corner of the screen. The status will also appear within the search screen.

Creating a Valuation

  1. In the Valuations screen, click on Add at the bottom left-hand corner.
  2. Either type in the customer number if known or click on the people icon to search for an existing customer. If the customer has not already been created, click Add in the Find Customer Screen to create them as a new customer.
  3. Select the Staff Member who is processing the Valuation Certificate.
  4. Click Add Item from the middle of the screen.
  5. Select the Valuation Type from the drop-down box.
    NOTE: If you do not see the required Valuation Type, then this needs to be created via pressing the Setup. Refer to Part A - Setup for more information.
  6. Enter your price for processing this valuation in the Valuation Charge. if you do not wish to charge the customer an amount, then leave it at $0.00. This can be defaulted to an amount within the Setup button if you wish.
  7. In Items Value, type in the worked-out Value of the item.
  8. Repeat steps 2 to 8 for any additional items
  9. Click Save.
  10. Enter or change the Expected Pickup date and time if you wish to track these.

The Completed DateCollected DateInvoice Date and Invoice Number will automatically be entered when each status has been reached.

Adding Items Details

  1. Click on the Items Details tab
  2. If you have added multiple items, make sure you have selected the correct item. The items will be displayed as Item No : 1, 2 etc.
  3. To change between items, click on either the Next or Previous buttons to move between items. They will be listed in the order they were created.
  4. You can change any of the wording within the following boxes. These boxes are where you can describe what the item is and any specific information that relates to the valuation.
    1. Purpose for Valuation
    2. Valuation Description
    3. Valuation Statement (to appear on Valuation Certificate before Items Value)
    4. Valuation Statement (to appear on Valuation Certificate after Items Value)
  5. Click on the Notes button to add any notes about a particular item that you want. These notes can appear on the Valuation Certificate if you want, the option is in Part A - Setup.

Repeat steps 2 to 5 for all items.

Adding Images

  1. Click on the Images tab
  2. If you have added multiple items, make sure you have selected the correct item. The items will be displayed as Item No : 1, 2 etc. To change between items, click on either Next or Previous to move between items. They will be listed in the order they were created.
  3. Click Load Image to locate the photo of the item. You will be asked where the photo is located on your computer.
    NOTE: if you upload multiple images, then only the first image will be displayed on the valuation certificate.

Repeat steps 2-3 for all items.

Printing a Valuation Certificate

  1. Make sure that the Print box, on the Valuation Details tab is ticked for all items that you wish to appear on the Valuation Certificate. This is done in the Stock screen.
    NOTE: if you want to have each item on a separate piece of paper, then you need to print each item separately with only the desired item.
  2. Click on Print