Using Price Breaks with the Detailed Performance Report

Using Price Breaks with the Detailed Performance Report

By using Price Breaks, you can further break down your stock in the Detailed Performance Report (and Detailed Performance Report by Supplier) by separating your stock into price brackets based on retail price.
You can create custom price ranges and apply them to individual departments separately.

As an example, you might want the stock in a Confectionary department to be separated into ranges of $0-$1, $1.01-$5, $5.01-$20 and $20.01+. Once set up, the detailed performance report will list each stock item in the appropriate price bracket for its sell price, and will also provide totals for each price break.

Creating Price Breaks

  1. Open Stock -> Suppliers & Departments, then click the Price Breaks tab
  2. Click Add, then type in a name for this price break profile and press [Enter]
  3. Click the '+' symbol, then type a cash value into the Price Break column, then click the green tick to save. The range should fill in automatically. (Between $0 and the value you entered)
  4. Repeat this process, clicking '+' to add more price breaks and create more ranges. The ranges will be automatically set between the price breaks you enter.
  5. Once finished, click Save. If you want different price breaks for different departments, you can click Add to create a new profile, enter a different name and repeat the process.
Stock with retail values higher than any of the ranges entered will be added to the highest range.

Applying Price Breaks to Departments

  1. Open Stock -> Suppliers & Departments
  2. Search for the desired department using the magnifying glass
  3. In the option named Price Break, select the desired price break profile from the ones you created earlier.
  4. Hit Save. Repeat for other departments as needed.

Using Price Breaks in the Detailed Performance Report

Once they have been set up and applied to departments, your stock will automatically be broken up by price break in the Detailed Performance Report (and Detailed Performance Report by Supplier).
Click HERE (and HERE) for more info on the Detailed Performance Report (by Supplier)

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