The detailed performance report by supplier allows you to see how your stock is performing based on some key retail indicators such as gross profit, return on investment and stock turn.

This report will only show you figures for items that have had actual sales in the period selected and only the sales within the period selected. It cannot be used to give an accurate stock figure.
The ROI (Return on Investment) will only make sense if the report is Run for 1 year. We suggest running the report for 12 months if this figure is important to you.

Generating the Report

  1. On the top menu bar of Retailer, click on Reports -> Sales Reports -> Detailed Performance Report by supplier
  2. In Report Date Range:
    • Select the Start Date - This will be the Start Date of the report
    • Select the End Date -This will be the End Date of the report
  3. Select Departments - choose which department you wish to run the report for, you can select to run it for all departments or narrow down your search by choosing specific departments.
  4. Select Suppliers - Click on the Select Suppliers tab to choose specific suppliers for the report.
  5. Options
    • Show Individual stock item sales - it will show each stock item sold in the period.
      additionally this allows you to change the following settings.
    • Show Full Description – Shows the full description of the item instead of the usual short description.
    • Barcode/Supplier Stock Code/PLU – Allows you to choose which of these will show on he report, please note only 1 can be shown.
    • Exclude Agency - Tick this to exclude any agency lines. i.e Commission based products.
    • Show Serial Numbers  - Tick this to show the serial number for each item on the report.
    • Treat Laybys as Sales on
      • Date Created - shows laybys as a sale on the day they were created even if they weren’t fully paid off during the sales period entered.
      • Date Completed - shows laybys as sales on the day they are paid off completely. So any laybys started during the period but not paid off will not show on the report.
  6. Click Preview or Print to view the report.

Using Price Breaks

Price breaks can be used to separate the stock in each department on the report up into price ranges based on retail price.
For how to use price breaks, click HERE

Reading the Report

  • Department Category – Shows the Department and Category being reported on, will also show the Stock item if selected as an option when running the report.
  • Barcode – Shows the barcode of the product.
  • Sales Amt – Total value of stock sold excluding GST.
  • Sales Quantity – Total number of items sold.
  • % of Sales Amount – The percentage this line item represents of your overall sales.
  • Avg. Retail $ – The average retail price of this line item, used to show the average price of items within the department or category shown.
  • Avg. Days to Sell – The average number of days it takes to sell this product based on the time period selected. For example, if the report period is 30 days and you sold 15 items the Average Days to Sell would be 2.
  • Purchases $ – Cost of purchases for the line item excluding GST made in the period selected. i.e it will show arrivals that took place in the time period selected.
  • Cost of Goods Sold $ – Cost of goods sold excluding GST during the period selected.
  • Stock Value $ – Current value of stock on hand of that line item excluding GST.
  • Qty on Hand – Current quantity on hand of the stock item. Does not show for Department and Category.
  • Gross Profit Amt. $ – The total Gross Profit in a dollar value for that line item.
  • Gross Profit % – The total Gross Profit represented as a percentage for that line item.
  • % of All Gross Profit – The percentage this line item represents of your gross profit.
  • Actual Stockturn – Shows the Stockturn of that line item. This is how many times you have sold the value of your current stock on hand level in the time period selected. i.e if you have 5 items on hand and have sold 20 items that would be a stock turn of 4. The higher the value the better. Lower values will indicate slow moving stock.
  • Markup % – Shows the markup of the line item. For a department or category this will show the average markup.
  • Return on Inv (ROI) – Shows the return on investment for that line item. This is the gross profit dived by the purchases. As noted above, this figure will only make sense if you run the report for 1 year.
  • Date Last sold – The date this item was last sold, will show on items.
  • Date Added – The date this item was added to the system, will show on items.

The bottom of the report will show you the totals for some of the columns above, please note not all columns will show a total though.