Using Marketing Tools

Using Marketing Tools

The Marketing module within Retailer allows you to export lists of customers and their details according to selected criteria. This list can then be used to send letters, emails and other marketing documents to customers to encourage return visits to your store.

Once you have created a customer list, it can be used to create emails, address labels, letter or envelopes. See Using Mail Merge in Microsoft Word.

To follow the steps below, you must have the Marketing module installed. Go to Help -> Register, and look at the tick boxes at the bottom to see if you have Marketing switched on. If not, please contact Tower Support,

Creating a New Marketing Template

  1. On the top menu bar of Retailer, click on Marketing -> Marketing Tools.
  2. Click Add.
  3. In Template Name on the top-right, type in a name for this template.
  4. Press Save.
  5. Set the options/criteria for customer selection:
    • Sales Related
    • Select Stores (Multi-store only)
    • Postcode Range
    • Date of Birth Range
    • Gender
    • Minimum Number of Visits
    • Last Visited Date Range
    • Anniversary Month Range
  6. At the bottom-right of the screen, select any combination of the following:
    • Use Postal Address if One Exists - Uses the Postal Address, if you have entered it for the customer. 
    • Check For Address - Only includes customers with an address.
    • Check For E-mail Address - Only includes customers with an e-mail address.
  7. Click Next to set CategoriesCustomer Interests and Customer Tags
  8. When complete, press Save. 
You can create and save multiple marketing templates with different criteria. Once saved, you can use the the arrows at the top left to change between templates, or use the magnifying glass to search for the desired template by name.

Creating a Customer List

  1. Click on Create List at the bottom of the screen. This may take a little time, depending on how many customers you have in your system.
  2. A list of the customers who meet the selected criteria will appear on the screen. You may add and delete customers on this list to modify it as much as you like.

Once you've created the customer list, you can then perform the following:

Preview Report

Generates a report with the Name, Address, Suburb, State and Postcode of the customers. 

Address Labels

Launches the Customer Address Labels screen, which allows you to print address labels to a variety of Avery label templates.

Create CSV

Saves a CSV file to the C:\Tower\Retailer\Outtray directory.
This file can then be imported into third-party marketing tools or services.
One such example is MailChimp. For more information about MailChimp, click HERE

Export to Excel

Exports the customer list and immediately launches Microsoft Excel.
This option only works if you have Microsoft Excel installed.

Send SMS

Automatically adds customers from the list that have a mobile number to the list of recipients for a manual SMS message.
For more information about sending SMS through Retailer, click HERE.

Examples of How to Use Marketing Tools

Here are a few examples of what the Marketing Tools can be used for:
  1. Can be used to find a list of customers who haven't shopped at the store for a period of time.
  2. Find customers who have an upcoming birthday or anniversary for the month.
  3. Find frequent or high value shoppers for special promotions or to thank them for their continued support.
  4. Notify customers who have purchased specific products about any manufacturer alerts or an upcoming product launch.

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