This report shows the sales totals for each month in the past year ending with the selected month/date. The report can be grouped three different ways, and can display cost and sell prices together with sale numbers.
Generating the Report
- From the main screen of Retailer, click on Reports -> Sales Reports ->Sales by Month.
- Select the date range for the report in Enter Date, and the report will run for the last 12 months ending with and including the entered month.
- There are 3 options here for grouping in the report.
- Select Suppliers – Shows the report grouped by suppliers, and you can choose specific suppliers by clicking Selected (instead of Select All).
Then, tick the boxes of suppliers to include in the report. - Select Departments – Shows the report grouped by departments and categories, and you can choose specific departments or categories by clicking Selected (instead of Select All)
Then, tick the boxes of Departments or Categories to include in the report.
Click the plus sign next to each Department to see Categories under it. - Select Stock Items – Report can be run for particular items by clicking Add Items.
A box will appear for searching or entering stock items into the list.
Add the items you want and click OK on the bottom left.
NOTE: Click HERE for details on using this search screen.
Back in the report screen, click Delete to remove selected items from the list, or click Clear to clear the whole list.
- Select Suppliers – Shows the report grouped by suppliers, and you can choose specific suppliers by clicking Selected (instead of Select All).
- There are various options at the bottom for showing / hiding information.
- Include Stock Not in Category - will include stock items that have no category assigned.
If unticked, will not include these item sales. - Show Individual Stock Item Sales - Show individual stock sold under each supplier/department/category.
If unticked, will just show supplier/department/category totals. - Quantity on Hand - will show current stock on hand.
- Date Last Arrived - will show date of last arrival for line item.
- Sell Price - will show retail price of item.
- Cost Price - will show cost price of item.
- Show Full Description - will show long description of item. If unticked, will show short description.
- Choose between displaying the Barcode or Supplier Stock Code or PLU of item.
- Include Stock Not in Category - will include stock items that have no category assigned.
Reading the Report
The report will be broken down into Suppliers or Departments and Categories depending on options selected. The date range will be shown at the top of the report.
- Barcode - This is the barcode or SKU of the product.
- QOH - The current quantity on hand for product.
- Sales total - Total number of product/department/category sold for the year
- Jan to Dec months - Number of product/department/category sold for each month
- Date Late Arrived - Date of last invoice arrival for product
- Cost Price - Current cost price of item
- Sell Price - Current sell price of item
Exporting the Report to Excel
- Once you have the settings correct, click Preview.
- Click Print in the top left corner
- Tick the box for Print to File, towards the bottom of the window.
- In Type: select either Xlsx Data File or Xlsx Report File. The report file will include the graphics and layout of the report, while the data file will only include the data.
- In Where: click the ... button to select the location where the file will be saved.
- Click Ok to generate the file