RoamV2 - End of Shift

RoamV2 - End of Shift

End of Shift on Roam allows you to track Cash Takings while using Roam.
End of Shift is optional in Roam. Sales will still import to Retailer without performing an End of Shift.

Access End of Shift

  1. From your Roam POS screen click on the hamburger menu button in the top left corner. 
  2. In the menu sidebar, click End of Shift
  3. Click the Terminal to Start a New Shift or view the details of the Active Shift
  4. Click Shift History to view previous Shift Totals

Open a Shift

  1. From your Roam POS screen click on the hamburger menu button in the top left corner. 
  2. In the menu sidebar, click End of Shift
  3. Click the Terminal to Start a New Shift
  4. Enter the opening Float Amount and add a Note if required. Click Continue in the top right corner
  5. Click Back twice in the top left to return to the Shift Settings

Adding and Removing Cash from Roam Till

  1. From your Roam POS screen click on the hamburger menu button in the top left corner. 
  2. In the menu sidebar, click End of Shift
  3. Click the Active Shift
  4. To Add Cash, click Add Cash. Enter the amount, add a Note and click Confirm in the top right
  5. To Remove Cash, click Remove Cash. Enter the amount, add a Note and click Confirm in the top right

Close a Shift

  1. From your Roam POS screen click on the hamburger menu button in the top left corner. 
  2. In the menu sidebar, click End of Shift
  3. Click the Active Shift
  4. Click Close Shift
  5. Enter the Counted Cash Amount (including the Float). Click Continue in the top right
  6. Add a Note if required. Click Close Shift in the top right
  7. If the End of Shift is set to automatically email, an email will be sent to the registered email address. Otherwise click Email to send manually
  8. The Default Float and Roam End of Shift Email Address can be changed in the Roam End of Shift Settings

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