Prevent Selling Items below Zero (Quantities)

Prevent Selling Items below Zero (Quantities)

A feature available to Retailer (and newer) allows you to set a password to prevent selling stock items below a quantity of 0.
This is applied in general to all stock items except for Department items, Static items and Gift Vouchers.

Click HERE to learn about Department items (not an actual stock item).

Click HERE to learn about Static items.

Having this enabled will prompt a password in the Point of Sale screen, when an item being sold will cause the quantity to fall below 0.

To enable the password protection on this prevention:
  1. From the main screen of Retailer, go to Setup -> System -> Stock.
  2. Tick the box on the option Restrict the ability to sell stock into negative.
  3. Click Save at the bottom of the screen.
Items under particular Departments can also be set to be excluded from this feature, and be allowed to be sold below 0 quantity.
To do this:
  1. From the main screen of Retailer, click on Stock or Stock Maintenance, then click into the Suppliers & Departments screen.
  2. Click on the Department tab at the top, if it is not showing Departments.
  3. Click the magnifying glass at the bottom to search for your intended Department. Select the Department and click Ok.
  4. Tick Exclude items from negative QOH Validation.
  5. Click Save. Repeat steps for other Departments as necessary.

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