Before generating a POS Tracking Report, click HERE for instructions on how to add POS tracking to your sales.
POS tracking must be enabled for the POS Tracking report to be generated.

The POS Tracking Report shows sales data for information gathered in the Point of Sales screen. It can use multiple criteria to generate the report including postcode, Flybys etc.

Generating the Report

  1. On the top menu bar of Retailer, click on Reports -Sales Reports -> POS Tracking Report
  2. In Report type select the criteria to generate the report. e.g. Postcode.
  3. In Report Date Range:
    • Select the Start Date - This will be the Start Date of the report
    • Select the End Date -This will be the End Date of the report
  4. In Days to include select the days that you wish to include in the report.
  5. In Transaction Types choose the types of transactions you with to include in the report.
  6. Click Preview or Print.

Reading the Report

The Detailed Takings Report has a total of sales for the period broken down by department.,

  1. Post Code/Fly Bys/Other – This column lists all of the selected criteria entered through the Point of Sales screen.
  2. No. of Trans – This will list the number of transactions for each selected criteria entered in the Point of Sales screen.
  3. Total Sales – This will show the value of all sales made to each of the criteria.
  4. Average Sales – This column shows the average value of each sale made for each POS entry.
  5. % of Sales – This number demonstrates the % of sales that are made from each entered criteria.