Multi-Store Order Details

Multi-Store Order Details

The Multi-Store Order Details tool will allow you to see what has happened with multistore orders and interstore transfer between a specific date range or by the order number.

From the main screen of Retailer, click the Stock Maintenance tab and then the Orders option and pick Multi-Store Order Details.
Note: This option is only available if your store setup is NOT set to only show local information. This is found under Setup -> Multistore -> Store Rules. For more information on the setting, click HERE.

You can select a date range to show orders between, using the Start and End dates.
Alternatively, if you know the order number you can use this.

When you select an order in the top grid, the bottom grid will show what items were on that order.
Click the arrow next to the item in the bottom grid to open up more details about that item.
You should be able to see what has happened during the transfer.

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