When making Manufactured Goods with components that have serial numbers the Manufactured Goods will need to have a serial number. These can only be assigned or unassigned when making or undoing items. 

  1. On the main screen of Retailer, click on Stock -> Stock Screen.
  2. Click on the magnifying glass icon to access the Find Stock Screen.
  3. Select the particular Manufactured Good that has the components with serial numbers. Click HERE for how to create a Manufactured Good Stock Item.
  4. Back in the Stock Screen, select the Serial tab.
  5. Make sure This item requires a Serial Number when sold is ticked.
  6. Click Save if changed.
  7. Select the Details tab.
  8. Click on the MFG button on the right.
  9. Click Make Item or Undo Item.
  10. Enter the desired quantity on hand of the manufactured good and click Process.
  11. The next screen indicates how the quantity on hand of each item will be affected. Click Yesto confirm.
  12. Select the Serial Number on the left that you wish to use for the Manufactured Good stock item.
    • If no serial number is on the left or you wish to add more click on Add Serial.
    • This will open a screen to create new serial numbers for the Manufactured Goods.
    • In the Available component for serial assignment tick the Include box for all components and serial numbers to be attached to the selected Manufactured Good serial number.
    • Click Assign Serial.
The assigned component and serial numbers will now appear in Assigned component for serial #: xxxxxxx.

To remove the assigned component and serial number:
  1. Tick the Include box for all items you wish to remove.
  2. Click Remove Serial.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Click Yes to confirm.
  5. Repeat for all serial numbers of the Manufactured Good.
  6. Click Save