To make payments towards a customer's account, you can access the Customer Payment Menu through the following methods:
- From the Point of Sale screen:
- On the main screen of Retailer, click on the Point of Sale icon.
- Press the Customer Payment button.
Alternatively, press [F11] on your keyboard. - Search for and select the particular customer. Click OK.
- From the Customer Screen:
- On the main screen of Retailer, click on the Customers icon.
- Click on the magnifying glass icon to access the Find Customer Screen.
- Search for and select the particular customer. Click OK.
- The Transaction Menu will appear.
If not, click on the Menu button. - Click on Payments.
You will get a screen with different payment options. You may not see all options described below depending on your software level/type.
If you need the payments allocated specifically to certain charges and invoices, you MUST use Pay Specific Invoices. Otherwise, they get allocated automatically to the oldest outstanding balance.
The payments cannot be backdated in any way. This is because some accounting processes will have already locked in numbers to a certain point which can be complicated to update, and some of that information may have already been given to customers in the form of statements or invoices.
The different payment methods are explained below, with a tickbox for printing receipts if desired (ticked by default):
Quick Payment
- This option is used to pay the current outstanding amount PLUS regular weekly charge amount from their orders until the coming Sunday. This is handy for customers who to pay weekly for their orders a week ahead.
This option is only applicable to newsagencies.
Pay Until A Date
- This option is used to pay the current outstanding amount PLUS the amount from their orders until the specified date.
- The date MUST BE a date in the future.
This option is only applicable to newsagencies.
Pay Last Statement
- This option is used to pay the amount from the customer's MOST RECENT statement.
Pay Amount Owing
- This option is used to pay the full current outstanding amount of the customer's account.
Pay Amount
- This option is used to pay a specific amount to the customer's account.
Pay Laybys
- This option is used to pay one or more of a customer's laybys
A customer's layby balance is SEPARATE from their account balance.
For more information about paying laybys, click HERE.
Pay Specific Invoices
- This option is used to pay a customer's invoice or multiple invoices at a time.
- Once specific invoices have been paid, they will be removed from the list. Only outstanding invoices/charges will appear in the list.
For more info on paying specific invoices, click HERE.