New to Retailer 3.3.1, you can now integrate with Evergreen Connect to import your online orders into Orders Maintenance ready to be arrived into Retailer.
There are 2 ways you can import orders from Evergreen Connect. The first is to manually download .XML files from the Evergreen Connect website to your computer, then select these files via Orders Maintenance. This method requires no setup - you can skip the following section and move straight to Importing Orders.
The second method allows Retailer to download these files from Evergreen Connect automatically. You will need to get your FTP settings (Host IP, Port, Username and Password) from Evergreen Connect to set this up.
Once enabled, this will automatically download orders from Evergreen Connect once per hour, or whenever you click 'Import Orders' in Orders Maintenance.
Setting up the Evergreen Connect API Connection
Before starting, you will need to contact Evergreen Connect to get your FTP settings - a Host IP, Port Number, Username, Password and Server Folder are needed.
- In Main Screen of Retailer, go to Setup->API Connections.
- Scroll down and click Evergreen Connect.
- Enter the Host (IP address), Port (Number), Username, Password, and Server Folder that you got from Evergreen Connect.
- Tick the Passive option, the click Save.
You can then click the Test button. If you receive the response 'Testing OK' then setup has been completed successfully.
Setting Up Supplier for Evergreen Connect
- From the Main Screen of Retailer, click Stock Maintenance -> Suppliers & Departments
- Click the Suppliers tab
- Click the Magnifying Glass at the bottom
- Select the Supplier you wish to import Evergreen Connect Orders for
- Open the Other tab
- Make sure 'Tick if Cost Price entered on invoice is Inc GST' is ticked
- Click Save
- Repeat for any other Evergreen Connect Suppliers
Importing Orders from Evergreen Connect
Go to Stock Maintenance -> Orders -> Orders Maintenance, then click Import Order near the top left corner.
From here, you can either manually import the file or select the file from the list of files that have been automatically downloaded.
Manual Import
First, you will need to download the XML order files from the Evergreen Connect website and save them somewhere on your computer (eg. the 'Downloads' folder).
- If not already selected, click the Manual Import tab.
- In Import Source, select Evergreen Connect from the dropdown list, then click Import.
- Locate the order file that you saved on your computer and double-click it. This will take you to the Order Import screen (see below).
Automatic Import
If the API connection has been set up, Retailer will automatically check Evergreen Connect for new orders once per hour. You can trigger a check manually simply by clicking the Import Order button in Orders Maintenance.
If an order is downloaded and every item on the order is able to be matched to your existing stock by Supplier Stock Code, then the order will be created in Orders Maintenance automatically. If some of the stock was not recognised, follow these steps to import the order:
- If not already selected, click the Pending Auto Import Order tab.
- Here you will see a list of the orders that have been downloaded. You can click the Re-import button for a selected invoice to open the Order Import Screen
Order Import Screen
At the top of this screen are the Order Details - Order Number, Supplier, Staff Member and Date Created. You can change these details as needed.
Below the order details you will see a list of all the items that have been found on the order screen. If the system recognises the item from its Supplier Stock Code (SSC), it will fill in the other details automatically.
If the SSC was not recognised, the item will be highlighted in Orange and some details will be missing. You will need to help the system identify these items.
If the item is one you have had in stock before, click your cursor into the 'Barcode' field and press [Enter]. This will bring up the Find Stock Screen - from here, search for the correct item from your stock. When you have found the desired stock item, either double-click it or select the item and click OK. The remaining details will be filled in.
If the item is new, you can instead click the small icon in the 'Barcode' column to generate a new barcode for this item. You will then need to select a Department for this item and enter a Retail Price (You can also enter other details as needed). When you have filled in this information, click the Save icon at the end of the line (just left of the Delete icon. Doing this will add this new item into your system.
Once the correct item has been found, you cannot change the quantities or prices from this screen. Finish the import, then change the details in Orders Maintenance as normal.
Once there are no items highlighted in Orange, click the Post button and then click OK. This will create a Sent order in Orders Maintenance for the items on the order. If you need to change any details, you can roll the order back to 'Pending', make the changes, then mark it as 'Sent' again.
For help arriving orders, click HERE.
You can also import orders from other sources/suppliers using CSV files. Click HERE to learn more.