This is the advice for importing a Henderson Greetings stock file. The stock file is embedded in this article. Do not try this with another stock file. The stock file included with this article has been tested. We know it works.
Saving the Stock File
- Click the attached file and the file will download.

DO NOT OPEN THE FILE. This usually goes into the Downloads folder.
Importing a Supplier Stock File
- From the main screen of Retailer, go to Utilities -> Import / Export Files -> Import Supplier Stock File.
- Select the required supplier.If the supplier is not in the list, press the [Insert] key on your keyboard to add the supplier.Click HERE to learn more about adding a new supplier.
- Press the [Tab] key on your keyboard.
- If you get a message saying Stock file does not exist, click OK .
If you don't get this message, go to step 6.
- Then, click on Desktop (or find the file) on the left.
Select the Henderson Greetings MAR 26 2025.csv file and click Open. - In the Stock File Setup screen, click Cancel.
If the screen below does not appear, click on the arrow next to Tools and click on Change Stock File Settings.
- Enter the settings as per the image below.
- Once the settings have been entered, click Save and then Close.
- Back in the Import Supplier Stock File screen:
- Select a Department you wish the stock items to be assigned to.
- Select a Category you wish the stock items to be assigned to.
- Enter your Category Mark-up %.
- In the Instructions section, tick all the tick-boxes unless you have specific information that you want to maintain . Click HERE for more information about the options.
- Click on Import.
- Then, click on Desktop (or find the file) on the left.
- Select Henderson Greetings MAR 26 2025.csv and click Open.
- A message will appear asking you to confirm the import. Check the file name and click Yes to confirm.