This article is to be used when importing a supplier stock file. Click HERE for full details.

The following options will only be available to be ticked if the corresponding setting is turned on in the supplier settings.

Generally only the first 4 options are available and these are the most important ones.

  1. Update Cost and Retail Prices for existing items - This will update your Retailer and Cost Prices from the stock file. Its your recommendation always have this ticked.
  2. Convert all Stock Descriptions to UPPERCASE - This is helpful to keep your stock easier to read and more uniform.
  3. Overwrite Stock Descriptions with those from the file - Sometimes stock descriptions change and this is useful to update them. However if you manually update your descriptions you may want to uncheck this option
  4. Overwrite Product code with the one from the file - The Product code is the Supplier Stock Code or SSC. This option will update this in your stock file.
  5. Overwrite QOH (Reorder Level/Desired Level/On Hand Level) - This option will update your Quantity on Hand as well as Re-Order levels if
  6. Add any Supplier information provided - Will add the item to the supplier specified in the file. Useful when importing many suppliers at once in a single file
  7. Add any Store Locale information provided - Adds the Store Locale information from the file if provided.
  8. Overwrite Store Locale with those from the file - Overwrites the store locale information
  9. Add any Department information provided - Adds the stock to the department specified in the file. 
  10. Overwrite Department with those from the file - Overwrites the current department information in the stock screen.
  11. Add any Category information provided - Adds the stock to the category specified in the file
  12. Overwrite Category with those from the file - Overwrites the current category information in the stock screen
  13. Re-number Supplier Product Code - This is only used for Pandora Stock Files and only under instruction from Tower Systems
  14. Add any Segment information provided - Adds any segment information provided. For Example the segment information provided by Hallmark Stock Files
  15. Overwrite Segment with those from the file - Overwrites the current segment information in the stock screen.