If you are selling your business or have purchased a business using the Retailer software, please download the New Owner Form (attached at the bottom of this article) and have the new owner of the business complete this and provide it to us. Ideally, this is done prior to the change of ownership.

The change of ownership form is required to enable us to update our software licence records. It provides us with consistent information about the new owners (names, email addresses, phone numbers, etc.). 

Completed forms should be emailed to accounts@towersystems.com.au  

Please note that new owners will need to sign up for rental to continue using the software after the business changes hands.  Any pre-paid legacy support fees will be applied to the incoming owner's rental account on a pro-rata basis.  
Click HERE for our Change of Ownership Checklist
Please be aware that if you are not currently renting the software, the incoming owner will need to sign up for rental in order to continue accessing the software.