There may be a need a return stock to the supplier for various reasons (e.g. invoice with more stock than actually delivered, supplier recalling stock).


For newsagents, check out the advice sheets we have regarding returns:

For sending returns through XchangeIT, click HERE

For changing your return settings, click HERE

For processing subagent returns, click HERE


For most businesses, there will be two ways to return stock. You can process an Invoice Arrival for this, or scan them through in Stock Returns.

Invoice Arrivals

  1. Open the Invoice Arrivals screen.
  2. Select a Supplier at the top, then type in an Invoice Number (or credit note number) and press [Tab] on the keyboard.
  3. Enter other details at the top and press [Tab] to go through them until you get to the stock item section. Click HERE for detailed steps.
  4. Arrive the returning items with quantities of negative numbers. (e.g. -2 bicycle pumps, -10 bales of hay)
  5. You can print off an Invoice Arrivals Report after that if necessary. Click HERE for detailed steps.

Stock Returns

  1. Open the Stock Returns screen (Stock -> Stock Returns).
  2. Make sure the options at the top are set to Return stock from store to original supplier.
  3. Scan in your returning items in the Stock Item box, and enter quantity to return in the Qty box.
  4. When finished, click Save.

Stock will be taken out of the system, but remain in the Returns grid.

You can print off a Returns Form (report for records) for a particular supplier to clear those returned supplier items out of the grid.

Otherwise, just click Clear Grid at the top to clear the list.