This involves 3 stages:
  • Identifying the GP% of departments
  • Entering the GP% as a contribution percentage
  • Setting discount voucher values

Identify GP% of Departments

  1. From the top menu bar of Retailer, click on Reports -> Sales Reports -> Detailed Takings Report.
  2. Set a date range using Start Date and End Date. For example, the last month, quarter or year.
  3. Make sure that Selected All is chosen in the select departments section, and that the option Show Individual Stock Item Sales is unticked.
  4. Click on Preview or Print and print out the report. The GP% of each department is shown on the right of each department total.

Entering the GP% as a Contribution Percentage

  1. On the top menu bar of Retailer, click on Setup -> Vouchers -> Discount Vouchers.
  2. On the top-left, click on Dept/Cat Contributions.
  3. Based on the Detailed Takings Report, enter GP% as the Voucher Contribution for each department.
    NOTE: If you do not want to produce discount vouchers for sales of a particular department, leave the percentage as 0.000%.
  4. Tick Allow Redemption to allow discount vouchers to be used on sales from that department.
    NOTE: If you do not want to allow discount vouchers to be used on sales of a particular department, untick the option.
  5. Click Save when done.

Setting Discount Voucher Values

  1. On the top-left, click on Voucher Setup.
  2. In the Voucher Types section, click on Add and create a voucher type with the Discount Type set as Percentage.
    NOTE: The DescriptionStart DateStop Date and Days can be changed as you require.
  3. Click Save.
  4. In the Voucher Values section, click on Add and enter the options shown below.
  5. Enter a Contribution Total of $2 and a Voucher Percentage of 20%. Click Save.
All the suggested options entered here can be changed as you see fit.

Resulting Discount Vouchers

Based on the options above, the following will occur:

  • Customers need to make a purchase that contributes at least $2.00 of GP to receive a voucher.
  • Discount vouchers will be 20% of the GP of the sale.