Group Management - Managing Weblink stock groups

Group Management - Managing Weblink stock groups

You may need to define/select criteria for different weblink groups to cater to different websites, or different weblink integrations with a third party.
E.g. setting up a second webstore, using Retailer Roam on a tablet, adding product for Product Level Blocking with Cashless Debit card (Department of Social Security).

This can be done in the Group Management screen:
  1. From the main menu of Retailer, click Stock Maintenance at the top, then click  Group Management .
  2. The weblink groups you have enabled will be shown on the left. TWC groups relate to setting up Webstores with a group number.
  3. Click on the group you are working on.
  4. Click the Add button at the bottom, and this will add a line on the screen with a number e.g. 1 - [blank]
    If you are adding a Webstore group, the Webstore criteria will be automatically added with the line e.g. 1 - Webstore
  5. The boxes at the top of the screen can be clicked and dragged down to the line to add a criteria.
    E.g. if you want to add the Footwear Department to be sent to a webstore, click and drag the Department box at the top to the line that was added. Then, click the dropdown arrow to select the Footwear department.
    It is recommended to use a Tag for Product Level Blocking. Click here for information on how to add a tag. Click and drag the Tag box from the top onto the line that was added, then select the Tag.

  6. If you wish to remove any criteria line, just click to select the line with a number, and click Delete at the bottom to remove that line.
  7. You can also click Clear at the bottom, to remove all lines and criteria for the weblink group.
  8. Click Save and Close at the bottom when done.

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