This is for Newsagencies Only

Express Arrivals is commonly used for the arrival of daily and weekly titles that are not arrived by EDI such as newspapers. This is a faster way of arriving papers than manual arrivals, and also improves the shop and subagent returns process.

Supplier Settings

  1. From the main screen of Retailer, click on Stock Maintenance -> Suppliers and Departments.
  2. Click on the Suppliers tab.
  3. Click on the magnifying glass icon and select the required supplier.
  4. Click on the Newsagency tab.
  5. Tick This supplier provides stock items that need to be tracked by issue.
  6. Click Save and then Close.

Setting Up Stock Items

  1. From the main screen of Retailer, click on Stock Maintenance -> Stock Screen.
  2. Click on the magnifying glass icon and search for the PLU of a newspaper that you'd like to arrive through Express Arrivals.
  3. In the grid at the bottom, there should be a barcode for each day that the newspaper arrives on. If not, click on the barcode column for the particular day and press [Alt]+[G].
  4. Click on the Issues button and then click on Issue Details Report.
  5. Make sure there is only one barcode for each day. Otherwise, you'll need to merge the duplicate barcodes until only one remains for each day. Click HERE for instructions on merging stock items.
  6. Follow the steps below for each item on the report:
    1. Click on the magnifying glass icon and search for one of the barcodes on the report.
    2. Click on the Newsagency tab.
    3. Ensure that the correct days are selected from the drop-down boxes next to This item arrives on a as well as Subagents receive this item on a.
    4. Tick Use the same barcode for each issue.
    5. Click Save.
    6. Repeat for the other items on the report.

Setting Up Express Arrivals

  1. From the main screen of Retailer, go to Stock -> Express Arrivals.
  2. Enter your password if prompted.
  3. In Arrivals Date, select the date for the day of the week that you wish to set up.
  4. Click Add to add the stock items to arrive through the Find Stock Screen.

Daily titles only need to be added once. For example, The Australian when added will be added to Express Arrivals for Monday to Saturday.  

To Delete a Title from Express Arrivals

  1. From the main screen of Retailer, click on Stock -> Express Arrivals.
  2. Select the title to delete.
  3. Click on Delete. 

Daily titles only need to be deleted once. For example, The Australian when deleted will be deleted from Express Arrivals for Monday to Saturday. 

Processing Arrivals

  1. Select the Arrival Date for the day the stock is arriving in the shop.
  2. Select between Use Date as Invoice Number or Enter Invoice Number.
    NOTE: If your invoices (delivery dockets) do not have invoice numbers select Use Date as Invoice Number.
  3. If you select Enter Invoice Number, type the invoice number in the Invoice column.
  4. Enter the Qty Received for each title.
  5. Check the price for each title. If the price has changed, click in the Price column for that item and enter the new price.
  6. When all quantities have been entered, click Process.
  7. If you have any customer/subagent orders, you will be prompted to confirm the orders for your customers and subagents. Click OK to accept the orders.
  8. To review customer and subagent orders, select the title and click on View Orders.
Express Arrivals creates invoices that can be edited in the Invoice Arrivals screen.  Simply select the supplier and enter the date or invoice number to edit the invoice.