Customer Display Requirements

  • A customer display is simply a secondary monitor that is connected to the computer. This requires your computer to have an additional monitor port that matches the one on the customer display.
  • In the Screen Resolution settings for Windows (right-click on the Desktop and click Display Settings or Screen Resolution), the Multiple displays option needs to be set to Extend these displays.

Enabling the Customer Display in Retailer

  1. On the top menu bar of Retailer, click on Setup -> Applications to Run.
  2. Click on the Add button.
  3. In Application Purpose, type in Customer Display.
  4. In File Name and Location, type in or click on the yellow folder icon to navigate to C:\Tower\Retailer\Program\RetailerCustDisplayV3.exe.
  5. Tick the Starting Retailer tick-box.
  6. Click Save.

Setting Up Terminals to Use the Customer Display

  1. On the top menu bar of Retailer, click on Setup -> Point Of Sale
  2. Click on the Terminals tab (NOT the Customer Displays tab).
  3. Click on the Customer Display tab in the middle row of tabs.
  4. Tick the Has Customer Display and Use Monitor As Customer Display tick-boxes.
  5. Select your customer display from the Monitor box (this will normally be 2).
  6. Click on Save and Close.

Setting Up Customer Display Options

  1. On the top menu bar of Retailer, click on Setup -> Customer Display.
  2. In POS Grid Options:
    • In Terminal, select the terminal for which to add images to.
    • Make sure Enable Customer Display is ticked.
    • In Display on monitor, select the monitor number to use. In most cases, this should be set to 2.
    • In Grid font size, specify the size of the words that appear within the sales grid.
    • In Total font size, specify the size of the words that appear for totals.
    • In Customer message font size, specify the size of the words that appear for the customer message.
    • Tick Show POS grid during sales to display the scanned items on the customer display.
    • Tick Show POS grid half screen to display the scanned items on half the screen and images on the other half.
    • Tick Split POS grid horizontally to divide the screen horizontally, instead of vertically.
    • Tick Show Loyalty Points to display the customer's accrued loyalty points during customer sales.
    • Tick Hide Unit Price in Grid to remove the unit price column from the display,
    • Tick Show RRP in Description for discounted items to also display the original price of an item that has been discounted.
    • Tick Show discount column in grid to display the discount for each scanned item.
    • In End sale message, type in a message that appears after the transaction is tendered.
    • Click Apply grid settings to all terminals to copy the current options across all terminals.

The steps above simply turn on the functionality in Retailer to display images and text on the customer display.

Click HERE for information on adding images and text to the customer display.