Enabling EFTPOS Cash-Outs

  1. On the top menu bar of Retailer, click on Setup -> General.
  2. Click on the Pay Types tab.
  3. For your EFTPOS pay type(s):
    • Tick the Over Payments tickbox.
      This allows the amount paid to be larger than the sale amount, which is essential for cash outs to occur.
    • (Optional) Tick the Prompt Cash Out tickbox.
      This triggers a screen to appear that asks for a cash out amount.

Performing EFTPOS Cash-Outs

With the Prompt Cash Out option unticked:

  1. Enter a sale in the Point of Sale screen.
  2. Click Sub Total and select your EFTPOS pay type.
  3. In the Sub Total screen, enter in Amount $ the sale amount including the cash out.
    It will then show the cash out amount as Change Due.
  4. Click OK.

With the Prompt Cash Out option ticked:

  1. Enter a sale in the Point of Sale screen.
  2. Click Sub Total and select your EFTPOS pay type.
    Alternatively, if you have set up quick tender buttons for EFTPOS, click on that. Click HERE for more information on setting up quick tender buttons.
  3. Click OK.
  4. The Cash Out screen will appear.
    Enter the cash out amount and click OK.