Statement Types

This section allows you to customize multiple statement types, each with different forms of information, and later assign them to specific customers.

Click HERE to learn more about Statement Types.

Once the statement types have been set up, they can then be assigned to specific customers.

Click HERE to learn more about assigning statement types to customers.

Account Categories

When printing statements, you can group customers into a particular Account Category. With that, you can control when those customers get statements.

  1. From the main screen on Retailer, click on Setup -> Customer.
  2. Click on the Account Categories tab.
  3. Click Add.
  4. Type in an Account Category Code and Description.
  5. Click Save.

Once created, the customers then need to be assigned to the Account Category.

  1. From the main screen of Retailer, click on the Customers icon.
  2. Search for a customer by clicking on the magnifying glass button to access the Find Customer Screen.
  3. Select the customer and click OK.
  4. Click on the Other tab on the bottom-left.
  5. In A/C Category, choose the category from the drop-down box.
  6. Click Save.

Statement Order & Exclusions

You can change the order in which statements print out for customers as well as .

  1. From the main screen of Retailer, click on Setup -> General.
  2. Click on the Statements tab.
  3. To change the order that statements print, select between NUMBER, SURNAME, RUN or STREET in the What order do you want the statements to be printed? drop-down box.
  4. To stop printing statements for customers in certain Account Categories, select up to three Account Categories in the Exclude customers with these Account Categories drop-down box.
  5. To stop printing Overdue messages, untick the box marked Print Overdue account rendered messages.
  6. You can enter custom Overdue or Current Due messages in the bottom boxes.
  7. Click Save.

Statement Messages

You can add comments that appear at the bottom of statements.

  1. From the main screen of Retailer, click on Customers -> Customer Statements.
  2. In Comments, type a message that you want to appear on your statements. You have three lines to type in.
  3. When statements are previewed/printed, the message(s) will appear at the bottom.