To access the Putaway Management Screen, from the Main Screen of Retailer, click on Tasks -> Putaways Management.
Keeping track of what putaways are waiting for pick up
Modifying a Putaway
Deleting a Putaway
To delete a putaway, highlight the required row and click the delete button down the bottom of the window.
Putaway Stocktake

Putaway Report
- Select the Report Style - Allows you to choose what details will show on the report.
- Customer, title and issue - The most common setting, shows the customer and their putaway.
- Supplier and issue - Shows just the supplier and issue, can show customers if ticked.
- Unsent Backorders for a supplier - Shows only unsent backorders for the chosen supplier
- Stopped customers with uncollected putaways - Only shows stopped customers with uncollected putaways
- Select Putaways arrived between any date range - Allows you to show all putaways regardless of date or select a date range for the report
- Select which status' to include - Tick which order status' you wish to see on the report.
- Collected - Shows orders that have been collected by the customer.
- Putaway - Shows orders that have not yet been picked up by the customer
- Backordered - Shows orders that have been backordered with the supplier, here you can choose all and unsent only
- Returned - Shows only putaways that have been returned
- Select a recall date to search for - This allows you to specify a recall date to show putaways for. For example only putaways for the current week.
- Select which suppliers to include - Allows you to run the report on specific suppliers.
- Click Preview or Print to view the report.
Reading the Report
Each customer is identified on the report by their Customer number, Name and phone number if available followed by a sub heading of the title on order. Then the following information is displayed about each putaway:
Date Arrived - Shows the date the title was arrived.
Issue Name - Shows the issue name of the title.
Recall Week - Shows the recall week of the title on putaway.
Qty Collected - Shows the total qty collected so for of that title.
Qty on Backorder - Shows the total quantity of titles on backorder.
Qty Uncollected - Shows the total number uncollected putaways the customer currently has.
Total Cost Uncollected - Shows the total cost of each customers uncollected putaways.