Enable The Confirm Orders Screen

  1. On the main screen of Retailer, click on Stock -> Invoice Arrivals.
  2. Enter/Select the particular supplier from the drop-down box. Press [Tab].
  3. In the Arrivals Settings section on the right, make sure that the Don't Show Confirm Orders option is NOT ticked.
  4. Continue through the arrivals process.

Changing the Quantities on Arrival

  1. After arriving each item linked to a customer/subagent order, the Confirm Orders screen will appear:
  2. For subagent orders:
    • The Recommended amount cannot be changed. This is based on the Recommendation settings for the subagent. Click HERE for more information on recommendations.
    • The Required quantity cannot be changed. This is based on the current Standing Order quantity. To change this, you will need to change the quantity on the standing order.
    • You can change the Provide quantity to change the amount that is to be delivered and subsequently charged to the subagent for the current week.
    • You can change the Standing Order Qty to change the amount that is to be delivered and subsequently charged to the subagent for the future weeks.
  3. For customer orders:
    • The Required quantity cannot be changed. This based on the quantity on the customer's order. To change this, you will need to change the quantity on the customer's order.
    • You can change the Provide quantity to change the amount that is to be delivered and subsequently charged to the customer.
    • You can tick Place on Backorder to create a backorder for the customer that can then be arrived on a future date.
    • The Uncollected Putaways quantity shows you how many putaways the customer has for that title.
    • You can tick Stop Title to create a stop for the customer immediately. The customer will not be charged for any orders starting from the current date.
  4. If you only want this screen to appear when insufficient stock is received, you can tick the Only show this screen if insufficient Stock received tickbox.
  5. Click OK.