Batch Payments

Batch Payments

Retailer allows you to process a large number of customer payments (direct debits, cheques etc.) through a single screen called Batch Payments.

To access and process Batch Payments:

  1. From the main screen of Retailer, click on Customers -> Batch Payments.
  2. On the Batch Payments screen, press [Enter] to select the customer from a list or type in a customer number and press [Tab].
  3. Enter the Amount that the customer is paying. Alternatively, you can click on Pay Last Statement to automatically enter in the customer's last statement amount. Press [Tab] to move to the next column or press [Enter] to move to the next line and add another customer
  4. Select the payment type from the drop-down box and press [Tab].
    If all customers are paying by the same payment method, skip this step and add all payments as Cash. Then use the Change Payment Types button to update all payments to the desired Payment Type
  5. For cheques, you will need to enter the details of the cheque.
  6. Enter any Notes in the Payment Notes column. These will show on Payment Receipts and can show on Customer Statements. See Editing Statement Options
  7. To remove a customer from the list, select the customer's name and then click Delete Payment or [Ctrl]+[Delete].
  8. Repeat steps 1-4 until all customer payments have been entered in.
  9. Click on Print to generate a report for all the customer payments.
  10. Click on Process and click Yes on the confirmation box to process the payments.
See Importing Centrepay file for steps to import a Centrelink Payment File to Batch Payments

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