Backordering Old Issues of Magazines for Customers (one-off)

Backordering Old Issues of Magazines for Customers (one-off)

This is for Newsagencies Only
Retailer allows you to create a one-off order for a customer for an old issue of a magazine via the putaways system. You will still need to manually order the magazine from Are Direct (Formerly Gordan & Gotch), but when the backorder arrives Retailer will produce a putaway label with the customer's name. With this system, you can accept payment either at time of order or when the magazine is collected.
To use this method, you must have previously stocked the desired issue of the magazine in the past.
To handle backordering magazines this way, you must have EDI settings done, and use xChangeIT. Click HERE for more information.

Creating a Backorder

  1. Find the parent item of the desired magazine in the stock screen, (Parents are usually highlighted in yellow in the find stock screen)
  2. Click the 'Reorder' tab of the stock screen, then click Order this Item.
  3. Select the desired issue of the magazine and click OK.
  4. Choose the customer from the list and click OK.
  5. Confirm that the issue and customer are correct, then tick the box if the customer is paying now. Click OK.
  6. If the customer is paying now, you will be taken to the POS screen, where you can finish the sale as normal. Otherwise, the backorder is now created.

Ordering the Magazine

Following the above steps does not lodge an order for the magazine with Are Direct - you will still need to do this via phone or their website.

Arriving the Magazine

  1. You will receive an invoice for the backordered mags via XchangeIT when it has nearly arrived.
  2. Arrive this invoice as you normally would. When the backordered mag is arrived, the putaways window will appear and you can assign the arrived mag to the customer.
  3. A putaway label will be produced - from here, the backordered magazine behaves the same as any other putaway.

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