Transaction Notes allow you to type in notes against transactions, which can then be reviewed later on.

Prompting for Transaction Notes

  1. On the top menu bar of Retailer, click on Setup -> General.
  2. Click on the Txn Notes tab.
  3. Tick the types of transaction that you want to be able to add Transaction Notes for.
  4. Click Save.

When you end a sale, the notes screen will appear. Type in your notes and click Save.

Notes can also be added to a Sale from the POS Screen using a POS Button or the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl + N)

Reviewing Transaction Notes

  1. On the main screen of Retailer, click on the Customers icon.
  2. Click on the magnifying glass icon.
    Search for and select the particular customer.
  3. In the List of Transactions, Right Click a Transaction (Sale, Invoice, etc) and click Notes
  4. Current Notes for this Transaction will show. Tick Hidden to hide the note from Receipts, Statements & Customer Transaction Log
  5. Notes can be added and deleted using the Add and Delete buttons. After Adding a Note, click Save and then Close.
Notes can also be retrieved by Right Clicking a Transaction in the Previous Sales Screen and clicking Notes