This article only covers the Woo Commerce specific setup, for the full setup use Setting up a new Webstore
- Make sure you are running the latest version of WordPress, or WordPress is in version 5.6+
- Log in to your WordPress administrative page with user that has Administrator permission.
- We need to generate the API keys to be used in the WooCommerce Link.On the left panel, click on WooCommerce -> Settings .
- Click on Advanced tab.
- Click on the REST API tab on the top.
- Then, click on Keys/Apps .
- Click on Create API Key .
- In Description , type in WooCommerce Link .
- In User , select your administrative user.
- In Permissions , select Read/Write .
- Click Generate API Key .
- Copy and paste both the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret into Notepad or something similar.
If you close out of this screen without saving the keys, you will need to revoke and re-generate them.
- Back in the TWC setup page, enter the Consumer Key, Consumer Secret & Admin Username. Your Admin Username is the username you use to log in to Wordpress. App password should be left blank unless otherwise advised by Tower Support.
Sales Export Webhook
- In the left panel, click on WooCommerce -> Settings , click on Advanced tab from the Settings page, then click Webhooks link from the horizontal menu.
- Click Add webhook button.
- From the Webhook data form
- Select Action from the Topic dropdown
- Enter event woocommerce_order_status_processing in the Action event field
- Enter a Webhook name to identify the Webhook, for example, “TWC Order Webhook”
- Select Activ e from the Status dropdown
- Enter this TWC WooCommerce Webhook URL in the Delivery URL field
TWC WooCommerce Webhook URL
- Enter this TWC WooCommerce Webhook Secret Key to the Secret field,
TWC WooCommerce Webhook Secret Key
(Please note that the Secret Key cannot be changed to others, or this will cause Webhook call to be rejected by TWC)
- Select WP REST API Integration v3 from the API Version dropdown
- Click Save button to save the changes.
- To check Webhook logs and confirm it works, you can click Status under WooCommerce from the menu on the left, then click the tab Logs from the status page, then choose a Webhook log to view.
- To check the webhook status, you can click Status under WooCommerce from the menu on the left, then click the tab Scheduled Actions from the status page, it will normally take 2-5 secs for WooCommerce to process the Webhook query.
- Make sure to untick Automatic Sales Export in twc.towersystems.com.au (under Sales tab).

Do NOT click on the Webhook TEST button.
Site Structure
Under Settings > Permalinks
This must be one of the settings shown below in the red box