Adding new stock from TitlePage

  1. The stock wizard can be accessed through several areas such as:
    • Click the Add button in the Stock Screen.
    • Click the Add button in the Find Stock Screen.
  2. In the Enter Barcode and PLU screen, scan or type in the product’s barcode.
  3. Click Next.
  4. Select Load TitlePage Details - Top right.
    Details of the book from TitlePage will now be loaded into Stock Wizard.
    • Description
    • Department and Category pulled from Thema Code Setup
    • Author
    • Sell Price
    • Extended Description
    • Book Weight
    • Images
  5. Go through each section and add or edit details as needed.

Updating TitlePage stock information

  1. From the main screen of Retailer, click on Stock and then select Stock Screen.
  2. Locate the stock item you wish to update of by using the magnifying glass at the bottom of the stock screen and searching for the correct stock item.
  3. Click on the TitlePage tab.
  4. Click on Save TitlePage Details To Stock Item.
  5. A confirmation window will pop up.
    • Select Yes to update information in the stock file to information from TitlePage.
    • Select No to go back.
  6. If selected Yes then below information will be updated.
    • Description
    • Department and Category pulled from Thema Code Setup
    • Author
    • Sell Price
    • Extended Description
    • Book Weight
    • Images