Stock Description Case Rules

Stock Description Case Rules

In Retailer, you can now set a preference to change the case of Stock Descriptions.
  1. From the Main Screen of Retailer, click Setup -> System -> Stock.
  2. At the bottom of the screen, select a Stock Description Style
    1. None - No Changes are made to Stock Description case.
    2. UPPER CASE - every character is capitalised.
    3. lower case - no letters are capitalised.
    4. Sentence case - The first letter of each sentence is upper case, while the remainder is lower case.
    5. Title Case - The first letter of each word is capitalised, while remaining letters are lower case.
  3. Click Save

Update Stock Descriptions Utility

This utility allows you to change the name of all products to use a certain type of casing.
When processed, it will check ALL stock items and update their descriptions (names) to the selected casing.

The options are:
UPPER CASE - All letters are upper case.
lower case - All letters are lower case.
Sentence case - The first letter of each sentence is upper case, while the remainder is lower case.
Title Case - The first letter of each word is upper case, while remaining letters are lower case.
As this utility will update all Stock items, the processing time may be significant if there are a large number of stock items.
We recommend processing this on the MAIN PC outside of trading hours.

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