Del – is the number of this title delivered

Ret - is the number of this title returned to you

Nett – is the total number of items the subagent is being charged for. 

Order For This Week – This is the total off all the Nett titles delivered for the week.

Less Discount – Is the total discount received. This will not show if you have selected include discount against orders.

Sub total of orders for this week –Orders for this week minus the Less Discount figure.

Nett This week – Subtotal of orders plus any invoices

Prev account balance – Opening balance of the statement. Should reflect last weeks total.

Payments Section – Shows any payments made during the week.

Total Amount owing – Final total of this week’s orders and invoices plus any previous balances

Ageing Summary – Shows the outstanding balance’s for the current week as well as 7,14 and 21 days and over

Total Includes GST of – Is the amount of GST on current transactions

Total Inc. Credits of - Shows the total amount of credits across the ageing balance on the statement