Under Supply Report

Under Supply Report

This is for Newsagencies Only
The Under Supply Report can be used to work out which titles have been sold out early for ordering purposes.

Generating the Report

From the main screen of Retailer, click on Reports -> Newsagency -> Under Supply Report.

Report options:
  1. Number of previous arrivals to be included in the report - This option specifies the number of arrivals to check which have sold out.
  2. Number of arrivals that must be under supplied in order to report - The minimum number of arrivals that must be sold out for the title before being included in the report.
  3. Maximum of returns to be included in the report - The title must have this many returns or less to be classed as sold out.
  4. Check % of shelf life that the title was sold - This option is used to calculate how long before the recall date the item was sold out to show on the report.
  5. You can also select either All Titles or Selected Titles here to run the report for.

Reading the report

  1. Title - The description of the item.
  2. Supplier - The supplier of the item.
  3. Supp stk code - The suppliers stock code.
  4. Issue - Shows which issue of the title this row is reporting on.
  5. QTY arrived - This is the quantity arrived.
  6. Shop Ret - The number of returns coming from the shop.
  7. Sub Ret - The number of returns from subagents.
  8. Nett - The number arrived minus the number returned (total of both store and subagent returns).
  9. On sale date - The first day this issue could be sold.
    Last sold date - The last day an issue was sold.
    Recall date - The recall date on the item.
    Days lost - The number of days it could have been sold after the last copy was sold, had there been more in stock.
    Total days lost - The total days lost of all issues for this title.

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