TAG Giftware EDI Settings

TAG Giftware EDI Settings

Arrival Settings

  1. From the main screen of Retailer, click on Stock -> Suppliers & Departments.
  2. Click on the Suppliers tab.
  3. Click on the magnifying glass icon and search for TAG Giftware
    Double-click on TAG Giftware if it exists otherwise click add and create them as a new supplier.
  4. In the Details tab, set When adding stock, the default department is to whichever department you would like them to default to when getting created.
  5. Click on the Other tab.
    • Untick Tick if Cost price entered on invoice is Inc. GST.
    • Untick Warn if Cost Inc, Cost Ex or Retail Price differs when importing stock items via disk.
    • Tick Always Use the Retail Price from the EDI invoice. (Optional - untick if you wish to manually set Retail prices)
  6. Click on the EDI tab.
    • Set When arriving EDI invoices this supplier arrives by to Barcode.
  7. Click Save then click Close.
When you first import a DD2 file from TAG, you will be prompted to select a supplier. Select TAG Giftware from the list.
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