The Supplier Sales Analysis Report is used to list all items sold during a specified date range for selected Suppliers. You can choose multiple Suppliers, therefore allowing you to compare the sales totals by Supplier. You can also choose different departments and categories to target certain stock items.

Generating the Report

  1. On the top menu bar of Retailer, click on Reports > Sales Reports > Supplier Sales Analysis Report
  2. In Report Date Range:
    • Select the Start Date- This will be the Start Date of the report
    • Select the End Date- This will be the End Date of the report
    • Tick the 'This Shift Only' box if you only wish to analyse the sales made in the current shift
  3. In Catalogue name:
    • If you want to only display items sold from a specific catalogue tick the 'Select A Catalogue' box and choose the relevant catalogue. If not leave this blank.
  4. Options:
    • Show Individual Stock Item Sales– Tick this box if you wish to see individual item sales in the generated report. This will allow you to be specific with what shows on the report. It allows you to see:
      • Sell Price & GP/Date Last Arrived– This option chooses weather the report shows the sell price and gross profit, or the date stock was last arrived.
      • Quantity on Hand– This shows the amount of quantity currently in the system.
      • Show Full Description– This shows the full description of the product rather than shortening it to fit the report.
      • Cost Prices– This shows the cost price of the items on the report.
      • Barcode/Supplier Stock Code/PLU– This chooses which data is shown respective to each item.
    • Exclude Home Delivery & Subagent Orders– This option will stop home deliveries and Subagent orders from being shown on the report
    • Exclude Agency– Excludes departments which have been ticked as Agency, from being shown on the report (Eg. Lotto)
    • Show Serial Numbers– This will show serial numbers for products that have this setting enabled.
    • Date Created/Date Completed– This chooses weather to display Laybys by the date they are created or the date they are completed.
  5. In select Departments:
    • Select which departments to search. To select all departments, click the ‘All’ circle at the top, otherwise click Selected. If you want stock not in a category to be included in the report, tick Include Stock not in a Category.
      If you clicked Selected use the tick-boxes on the right to select which departments and categories to show in the report.
  6. In Select Suppliers
    • Select which Supplies to search. To select all supplies, click the ‘All’ circle at the top, otherwise click Selected. If you clicked ‘Selected’, then click on the Suppliers that you want to show. If you want multiple supplies to appear, then click on each supplier you want.
  7. Click Preview or Print.

Reading the Report

The Supplier Sales Analysis Report has a total of sales for the period broken down by Supplier, Department, and Category, The Supplier’s name will appear at the top, then all items from this Supplier will appear underneath. If there are multiple Suppliers selected, they will appear in alphabetical order.

  1. Description – Lists selected departments and their respective categories
  2. Barcode – displays the barcode of the item sold in each department/category. Note: only displays if the ‘show individual items’ and ‘barcode’ options are selected.
  3. Of Items – Shows how many items have been sold in each department/category
  4. QOH – Displays the current (today’s) Quantity for the items sold in each department/category. Note: only displays if the ‘show individual items’ and ‘quantity on hand’ options are selected.
  5. Unit Cost – Displays the current individual cost for the items sold in each department/category. Note: only displays if the ‘show individual items option is selected.
  6. Total Cost – Lists the total cost price of all items sold in each department/category
  7. Unit Sell Price – Displays the current Sell (Retail) price for items sold in each department/category
  8. Total Sales – Shows the total sale price of all items sold in each department/category
  9. Total GP – Lists the total amount of profit made from each department/category
  10. Total GP % - Shows the amount of profit made as a percentage of the sale price from each department/category
  11. The data at the bottom demonstrates totals for each respective column and includes information about GST and rounding.

Exporting the Report

You can export the report to either a PDF document or Excel spreadsheet by using the Preview button and following the below steps:
  1. PDF - Click on the red PDF button at the top of the report and choose your save destination.
  2. Excel spreadsheet - Click on the Print button at the top left. Tick 'Print to File' and select 'Xlsx Data File'. Click on the three dots button [...] to choose your save destination. Click OK to save the file.