The Supplier Listing Report is used to display a list of all suppliers and their details.

Generating the Report

  1. On the top menu bar of Retailer, click on Reports -> Stock Reports -> Supplier Listing.

Reading the Report

The Supplier Listing has several columns with different details about your suppliers. These columns are listed below:

  1. Supplier Name
  2. Address
  3. Suburb
  4. State
  5. Postcode
  6. Phone Number
  7. Account number

Clicking on a supplier will also reveal the following extra details about the supplier.

  1. Fax Number
  2. Email
  3. Supplier Card ID - This is only used when using the accounting link module and MYOB Accounting software.

You can also click Show All at the top of the screen to expand all suppliers extra information.

Exporting the Report

You can export the report to either a PDF document or Excel spreadsheet by using the Preview button and following the below steps:
  1. PDF - Click on the red PDF button at the top of the report and choose your save destination.
  2. Excel spreadsheet - Click on the Print button at the top left. Tick 'Print to File' and select 'Xlsx Data File'. Click on the three dots button [...] to choose your save destination. Click OK to save the file.