The Supplier Arrivals by Day of Week Report is a newsagency-specific report that lists the total value of arrived stock by suppliers on each day of the week.
Generating the Report
- From the main screen of Retailer, click Reports -> Stock Reports -> Supplier Arrivals by Day of Week report.
- In Date Range:
- Select the Start Date -This will be the Start Date of the report
- Select the End Date -This will be the End Date of the report
- In Days to show on the report:
- Select which days you wish to be analysed on the report by clicking the tick boxes
- In Supplier:
- Select which supplier/s to add to the report. Do this by clicking Select Supplier, then using the drop down box finding a supplier. To add more suppliers to the report continue this process. If you wish to delete a supplier from the list, click on the supplier and press the Delete Key.
- Click Preview or Print.
Reading the Report
The Supplier Arrivals by Day of Week Report lists which items have been arrived.
- Month and Supplier – Lists the month and week being analysed as well as the supplier.
- Mon-Sun – Shows the value of arrivals for each specific day of the week for each supplier.
- Total – Lists the total values of all arrivals for each week being analysed.
- Average column – This column shows the average value of arrivals for each day of the week based on the date range entered earlier.