The Supplier Arrivals by Day of Week Report is a newsagency-specific report that lists the total value of arrived stock by suppliers on each day of the week.

Generating the Report

  1. From the main screen of Retailer, click Reports -> Stock Reports -> Supplier Arrivals by Day of Week report.
  2. In Date Range:
    • Select the Start Date -This will be the Start Date of the report
    • Select the End Date -This will be the End Date of the report
  3. In Days to show on the report:
    • Select which days you wish to be analysed on the report by clicking the tick boxes
  4. In Supplier:
    • Select which supplier/s to add to the report. Do this by clicking Select Supplier, then using the drop down box finding a supplier. To add more suppliers to the report continue this process. If you wish to delete a supplier from the list, click on the supplier and press the Delete Key.
  5. Click Preview or Print.

Reading the Report

The Supplier Arrivals by Day of Week Report lists which items have been arrived.

  1. Month and Supplier – Lists the month and week being analysed as well as the supplier.
  2. Mon-Sun – Shows the value of arrivals for each specific day of the week for each supplier.
  3. Total – Lists the total values of all arrivals for each week being analysed.
  4. Average column – This column shows the average value of arrivals for each day of the week based on the date range entered earlier.