This is for Newsagencies Only
The subscription report gives you a list of customers on subscriptions and can also be used to identify customers whose subscriptions have ended or are about to end.

You can also use this report to check against reports from publishers to ensure that you are not delivering papers to customers who have stopped or cancelled their subscriptions with the publisher.
- On the top menu bar of Retailer, click on Reports -> Newsagency -> Subscriptions.
- Select to report on subscriptions by:
- Supplier - Select All Suppliers or Selected Supplier and choose a supplier from the drop-down box.
- Titles - Select All Titles or Selected Titles and choose a title from the drop-down box.
- Subscription - Select All Subscriptions or Selected Subscriptions and choose a subscription from the drop-down box.
- In Report Options, select the type of subscription to show:
- All Subscriptions - Displays all customers and subscriptions based on the options selected above.
- Current Subscriptions - Only displays customers on subscriptions that are still active.
- Subscriptions Ended - Only displays customers on subscriptions that are no longer active.
- Subscriptions About to End - Only displays customers who are on the last week of their subscription.
- In Report Order, select the order of the customers on the report:
- Subscription/Name - Customers are grouped by subscription and then ordered alphabetically by name.
- Subscription/Address - Customers are grouped by subscription and then ordered alphabetically by address.
- Name - Customers are ordered alphabetically by name.
- Address - Customers are ordered alphabetically by address.