This is for Newsagencies Only
The Stopped Customers Report is a newsagency-specific report for newsagencies that shows a list of all customers who have stopped an order before the date specified without a restart.

Generating the Report

  1. On the top menu bar of Retailer, click on Reports -> Newsagency -> Stopped Customers Report.
  2. In Customers to Include:
    • Retail Customers – Only allows customers to be shown on the report.
    • Sub-Agents – Only allows sub-agents to be shown on the report.
    • Both – Shows both Sub-agents and customers on the report.
  3. In Select a Date
    • Enter a date by clicking the drop down box, or by typing in a new date. All customers stopped before the date will be shown on the report.
  4. In Orders to Include:
    • Deliveries -This will only show deliveries on the report.
    • Putaways – This will only show putaways on the report.
    • Both – Allows both deliveries and putaways to be shown on the report
  5. In Sort Customers By:
    • Number – Sorts the entries in the report by customer number
    • Surname – Sorts the entries by customer surname.
    • Title – Sorts the entries by
    • Stop Date – Sorts the entries by the date the customer was stopped.
  6. Press Preview or Print.

Reading the Report

The Stopped Customers Report will show a number of columns listed below. Information in the staff column will be blank if you do not have the system set up to 'Force staff Initials in Customer screen'.

  • Number – Shows the customer number.
  • Surname – Shows the customer's surname.
  • Stop Date – Shows the date the customer was stopped.
  • Del/Put – Shows if they were a delivery or a putaway customer.
  • Title – Shows the title/s the customers have ordered.
  • Reason – Shows the reason (if applicable) the stop was initiated.
  • Phone – Shows the phone number of the customer.
  • Staff – Shows the staff member that authorised the stop/start.
  • Balance – Shows the total balance of the customer.