Stock Turn Report

Stock Turn Report

This report will list departments and categories, showing what has been arrived and sold during a period.

Generating The Report

  1. On the top menu bar of Retailer, click on Reports -> Sales Reports -> Fast Sellers Report -> Stock Turn Report.
  2. Select the date range you wish to run the report for.
  3. You can select a supplier, department and/or category to include, if you wish to narrow down a particular group of items, or you can select all suppliers and departments if you wish to include all stock
Hint: Hover the mouse over the grey Stock Turn Report heading bar at the top of the Report Options screen to see an explanation of how the below information is calculated

Reading The Report

  1. Department or Category - The name of the Department and Category. Stock without a category appears under Unknown Category
  2. Sales Inc GST $ - Shows the total sale price of all items sold in each department/category
  3. GST Payable $ - Shows the total GST amount of all items sold in each category
  4. Sales % - Shows the percentage this category makes up of the total sales in this report.
  5. Qty Sold - Shows the total number of stock items sold in each department/category
  6. Qty Sold % - Shows the percentage this category makes up of the total quantity sold in this report.
  7. Average Sale $ - Average Sale Price of items sold in each department/category
  8. Stock Value $ - Cost (Inc GST) value of the current stock on hand for items sold in each department/category
  9. Stock Value % - Shows the percentage this category makes up of the total stock value in this report.
  10. Stock Arrived $ - Cost (Inc GST) value of Stock Arrived for this department/category
  11. Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) $ - Total Cost (Inc GST) of all stock sold for this department/category
  12. GP $ - Shows the Gross Profit of sales made in this department/category. [Total Sales (Ex GST) - Total Cost (Ex GST)]
  13. GP % Contr - Shows the percentage this department/category makes up of the total GP in this report
  14. Average Markup % - Average Markup Percentage of stock sold in this department/category
  15. Stock Turn - This figure divides your cost of sales with the value of stock held and tells you how many times stock is being sold and purchased over the specified time period.
    1. Eg. You have 5 of an item on hand (cost=$15). 3 are sold and 5 arrive with a cost of $20. 3x15 รท 7x20 =0.32. A higher Stock Turn is better.

Exporting the Report

You can export the report to either a PDF document or Excel spreadsheet by using the Preview button and following the below steps:

  1. PDF - Click on the red PDF button at the top of the report and choose your save destination.
  2. Excel spreadsheet - Click on the Print button at the top left. Tick 'Print to File' and select 'Xlsx Data File'. Click on the three dots button to choose your save destination. Click OK to save the file.
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