The stock performance report allows you to see how your stock is performing based on some key retail indicators such as sales, gross profit and return on investment.

This report will only show you figures for items that have had actual sales in the period selected and only the sales within the period selected. It cannot be used to give an accurate stock figure.

The ROI (Return on Investment) will only make sense if the report is run for 1 year. We suggest running the report for 12 months if this figure is important to you.

Generating the Report

  1. To run the report, click on Reports -> Sales Reports -> Stock Performance Report
  2. Select how you wish to measure performance – This option lets you choose which method to base your performance off.
      • By Sales – This will show the performers based on value of sales.
      • By Gross Profit – This will show the performers based on gross profit.
      • By Return On Investment – This will show the performers based on ROI%.
  1. Identify – You can select what results you need from this section.
      • Poor Performers Less Than – Enter an amount into this field to show all stock that sold less than the amount entered.
      • Poor Performers(e.g. type 2 for Worst 2) – The number you enter here is how many of the bottom performers you wish to see.
      • High Performers Better Than – Enter an amount into this field to show all stock that sold more than the amount entered.
      • High Performers(e.g. type 2 for best 2) – The number you enter here is how many of the top performers you wish to see.
  1. Select What Order Stock Appears In By Performance– This allows you to sort the performers in ascending or descending order.
  2. After you have selected your different options, when you click on preview or print, a box will pop up with a date range to select.
    Only stock with sales within the date range you select will show in the report.

Reading the Report

  1. Barcode– Shows the barcode of the product.
  2. Description– Shows the description of the product.
  3. Cost of Sales – Cost of goods sold excluding GST during the period selected.
  4. Sales – The overall value of items sold within the date range selected.
  5. Gross Profit – The total Gross Profit in a dollar value for that line item.
  6. ROI %– Shows the return on investment for that line item. This is the gross profit divided by the purchases. As noted above, this figure will only make sense if you run the report for 1 year.
  7. Qty Sold – The quantity of items sold within the date range.
  8. Qty on Hand– Current quantity on hand of the stock item.
  9. Qty Sold As % of Qty On Hand– The percentage of goods sold when compared to the amount currently on hand.

The bottom of the report will show you the totals for some of the columns above, please note not all columns will show a total though.

Exporting the Report

You can export the report to either a PDF document or Excel spreadsheet by using the Preview button and following the below steps:
  1. PDF - Click on the red PDF button at the top of the report and choose your save destination.
  2. Excel spreadsheet - Click on the Print button at the top left. Tick 'Print to File' and select 'Xlsx Data File'. Click on the three dots button [...] to choose your save destination. Click OK to save the file.