Grouped by supplier, this report will list departments, categories and stock, showing what is remaining on hand, from stock arrived during a period. It will give a quick overview of aged stock in the system.

Generating The Report

  1. On the top menu bar of Retailer, click on Reports > Sales Reports > Fast Sellers Report >Stock By Age Report.
  2. Stock to include (option)
    You can select a supplier, department and/or category to include, if you wish to narrow down a particular group of items, or you can select all suppliers and departments if you wish to include all stock
  3. Report Visual Options
    Show Stock Items: shows individual stock items in the report and doesn’t only show the report based on supplier, department and categories
    Show Department / Supplier Totals: gives the option to your stock quantity arrived during each period on the report, with totals for each department or supplier.

Reading The Report

  1. Supplier Department Category – displays suppliers in alphabetical order and departments under the suppliers will be listed, if there is stock on hand in the department for that supplier.
  2. 0 -3 months – Qty is how much stock on hand you have, from items arrived on that selected time period. The cost field shows you the total cost of those items arrived during that period. The % total shows a percentage of how much of your total quantity arrived is arrived during that 3-month period. This is the same for the other month periods.
  3. Stock Values on the Report are Tax Inclusive