We have a video guide on how to set up your Point of Sale screen - ðŸŽ¬ Setting up the POS Touch Screen

Layout Design Mode

To add or change a button on the point of sale screen, click on the gearwheel icon at the top right and then click Edit.

You will now be in Layout Design Mode, which allows you to adjust the layout settings shown above, but also to customize your touch screen buttons.

  • Layout - Allows you to store and change between different layouts.
  • Columns – Adjust how many columns you want your layout to use.
  • Rows – Adjust how many rows you want your layout to use.
  • Touch Button Font Size – Will adjust the font size of all the text on the touch screen buttons.
  • Grid Front Size – Will adjust the font size of the grid text and the items that are scanned into it. Best seen while editing from the POS screen.
  • Touch Panel Alignment – Change where the touch screen buttons will be positioned. Bottom, left, right & top.
  • Hide GST Column - Hides the GST Column and GST total on the screen.
  • Show Company Name - Shows the company name in the top sales banner to the left of the customer name.
  • Use Compact Sale Banner - Compresses the sales banner down to half the size.
  • Add Button – Will add an additional touch screen button if there is available space.
  • Add All Buttons – Will fill all the empty touch screen buttons.

Adding buttons will appear as gray empty barcode type buttons. To get blank white spaces, change it to a Blank button type. Be aware that if you’re trying to add buttons and they don’t seem to be appearing, it’s most likely that you have white Blank button types already filling up the empty spaces.

Clicking on any available button will let you edit it with options such as the button text, colour, button type, deleting the button or adding an image to it.

To move an existing button around, you need to click on that button first, then click again and hold to drag it around. Holding the CTRL key before you let go will swap the positions on both buttons.

 Button Types:

  • Barcode – A single stock item’s barcode or PLU.
  • Shortcut – A Retailer hotkey command to functions like the Previous Sales screen or to Invoice Customers.
  • Submenu – Creates another level of buttons that’s available for use e.g. a newspaper submenu which will then show all the newspapers as buttons.
    Buttons in the submenu are tied specifically (exclusive) to the submenu and cannot be moved into the main menu or other submenus.
    This level of buttons will start out blank with no buttons, and you may need to click Add All Buttons in the Settings button at the top, before you can change the buttons.
  • Action – Action buttons include: No Action, Quantity, Sub Total, Go Home, Go Back, Open Cash Drawer, and Age Check.
  • Blank – Will make the button a blank white space.
  • Quick Pay – Specify any amount of cash as a button e.g. $2, $5, $10, etc.
  • Back – This back button will always position itself to the top left of your buttons.
  • Quick Tender – allows you to make a button for the different pay types you might have such as Eftpos, Credit Card, Gift Voucher, etc.

When you’re in a submenu, you can go back to the main point of sale screen by clicking the home or back button at the top right of the window if you haven’t included a back button into the grid.

While in the Layout Design Mode, you can hover your mouse over the area between the touch screen buttons and the sale grid to adjust how much space is used between the two.

To exit the Layout Design Mode, simply click on the gearwheel icon again and decide if you want to save the changes you’ve made, save it as a new layout or cancel it altogether.