This is for Newsagencies Only

You can set the default options in Retailer for creating new delivery/putaway orders. This can help save time, especially when you are adding a large number of orders.
  1. On the top menu bar of Retailer, click on Setup -> Newsagency -> General.
  2. Click on the Orders tab.
  3. In the Order Options section:
    • In Default new orders to, select either Delivery or Putaway.
    • In The default delivery fee structure is, select a delivery fee from the drop-down box.
    • In The default price column for a new order is, select either Normal Price or No Charge.
    • In The maximum weekly delivery fee is, enter an amount that Retailer will not charge more than per week for delivery fees.
      If you don't want a maximum amount, leave this at $0.00.
  4. Click Save and then Close.