Separating Multiple Copies of the Same Item in the POS Screen

Separating Multiple Copies of the Same Item in the POS Screen

In Retailer, if you scan the same item multiple times into the POS screen, it will usually increase the quantity of that item rather than creating a separate line each time the item is scanned. This behaviour can be changed via an option so that instead it will add a new line in the POS screen each time. This can be useful in situations where you need to add notes to each item separately, or perhaps show that one item has been discounted while another has not. You are still able to change the quantity of each line by clicking into the quantity column in the POS grid.

There is a further option that allows you to keep these items separate on the POS screen, but then combine them once you hit the End Sale / Subtotal buttons. They will then appear combined on receipts.

To stop items combining in the POS screen:
  1. From the Main Menu screen in Retailer, go up the top to Setup -> Point of Sale
  2. Click the Terminals tab, then further down the screen click the Other tab
  3. Untick the option to Combine Items During Sales
  4. (Optional) Untick the option to Combine Items at the End of Sale
  5. Click Save
Keep in mind that this option is specific to each terminal. You will have to change this option separately on each of your computers.

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