If you have many barcodes queued up in the Barcode Manager or Label Manager screen, you can use custom filters to search for specific barcodes.

To perform a search in Barcode/Label Manager:

  1. Click on the small arrow symbol in the top-right of the column header that you want to search in.
  2. Select the (Custom...) option.
  3. In the Custom Filter screen:
    • In the first drop-down box, select how you would like to search for the keyword.
    • Enter the keyword to search for in the box to the right.
    • If you want to search using multiple filters, select between AND or OR and then enter the search parameters in the next two boxes.
      NOTE: AND will filter search results using BOTH keywords while OR will filter search results based on either one of the two keywords.
    • Click OK.
  4. The screen will now display barcodes that matched your search parameters.
To return to displaying all queued barcodes, click the symbol in the column header again and choose (All)
Custom filters do not affect the function of buttons like Print & Reset.